Leading specialists in glass, Glass Technology Services, have demonstrated that reductions in CO2 emissions, combined with significant cost savings, may be possible for glass manufacturers through batch reformulation.
Carried out in partnership with Sheffield Hallam University, the EnviroGlass project proposed that substantial savings may be possible and has successfully demonstrated proof of concept for the substitution of raw materials with waste streams from other sectors - reducing energy demands, emissions and waste and contributing towards the circular economy.
In one amber glass example these waste streams could replace raw materials at up to 8wt% while reducing furnace temperatures by up to 39°C. Further benefits included a reduction in NOX emissions, refractory wear, landfill and transportation as well as a faster melting rate due to the form of elements in the wastes studied.
Across the wider float and container glass industry, potential benefits could amount to a reduction of more than 150,000 tonnes of CO 2 emissions and £5 million in energy costs in the UK alone.
In UK amber glass production this could equate to annual savings of over £500,000 in energy costs, combined with a 35 GWh/year reduction in energy demand and a 42kT/year reduction in CO 2 emissions. Across the wider float and container glass industry, potential benefits could amount to a reduction of more than 150,000 tonnes of CO 2 emissions and £5 million in energy costs in the UK alone.
Glass Technology Services routinely work with manufacturers to troubleshoot and optimise batch and melting operations, but the EnviroGlass project set out specifically to investigate the challenges identified within the glass industry’s 2050 decarbonisation roadmap and identify cost-effective routes to achieving decarbonisation.
In partnership with Sheffield Hallam University (SHU), Glass Technology Services secured a grant of £156,645 for this work under the Energy Catalyst Initiative from Innovate UK - the UK government’s innovation agency. The British Glass Environmental Steering Group awarded a further £30k to support the project and to cover some of the additional costs incurred in carrying out the project.
If you are working in the glass, energy from waste or combustion technology sectors and would like to be involved in the next phase of the project, EnviroGlass 2, please contact Glass Technology Services Ltd on enquiries@glass-ts.com.
For further details of this project, please visit www.glass-ts.com/projects/enviroglass-decarbonisation-and-batch-reformulation.
Glass Technology Services is a leading provider of analysis, mechanical and performance testing, quality assessment, failure analysis, glass research and development and a range of consultancy services - specialising in glass, raw materials and glass products. Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025 and ISO 9001 quality standards, Glass Technology Services has an established reputation for specialist knowledge in glass and technical support. Please see www.glass-ts.com.