We help brand owners design, manufacture, and test environmentally-friendly glass packaging without losing brand recognition and luxury appeal.


You need to meet sustainability targets

You’re facing internal and external stakeholder pressure to be more environmentally-friendly and reduce carbon emissions. But you’re not sure about the current opportunities and technology available to make your packaging more sustainable.


You don’t want to risk losing your brand identity

Making your packaging more sustainable is great for reducing environmental impact, but if you lose brand reputation in the process, you may compromise your market position which could impact sales. So it’s key that you minimise this risk and don’t lose your brand recognisability or premium appeal.


You want to explore how reducing raw materials can save money

Not only is it possible to minimise your carbon footprint, but you can potentially save money in the process. Reducing your raw materials usage (as well as reducing transportation costs due to lighter glass containers), can help you combat the increasing prices of raw materials and maximise profitability.


You’re not sure how to make new packaging designs meet existing standards

It's critical that new product packaging is safe for consumers, but making changes to your packaging whilst meeting current glass standards can be difficult to get right. Determining what is and isn't possible for your particular packaging is a critical part of the process.


How this service helps you...

  • Improve your green credentials and brand reputation
  • Reduce your brand's carbon footprint
  • Potentially make raw material and cost savings to maximise profitability
  • Gain great PR opportunities
  • Be viewed as an innovator and market leader 


Unrivalled expertise in glass

We have 20+ years of experience in lightweighting and have worked on 50+ sustainable packaging design projects. We’re set up to help you end-to-end (from product design and FEA modelling, to recognised life-cycle assessments, to product trials, and fitness for purpose testing to ensure you meet standards).

Proven track record

We routinely work with leading the food and drink brands. Although a lot of this work is carried out under non-disclosure agreements, you can read about some previous projects we've worked on below:

Data-backed approach

Our evidence-based way of working minimises any risk of project failure as way pay careful consideration at each step in the process. We also don't accept projects for the sake of green-washing – so this gives you confidence that packaging design changes will actually make a difference and be safe for consumers.


  1. Book a free consultation by completing our contact form so we can understand your specific requirements.
  2. Carry out an initial feasibility design review and environmental assessment to prove real world potential.
  3. We create prototypes to prove the concept and get internal buy-in.
  4. Develop and evaluate manufacturing scale-up plan (with a detailed environmental and cost assessment). Also identify potential production partners.
  5. Once in production, we carry out production assessments. We also provide ongoing consultancy and support to course-correct any issues and make ongoing systematic improvements.
  6. Your new glass packaging goes into commercial production and further testing, analysis, and consultancy support is available going forwards.


Our experts have a wealth of experience in packaging design

Whether you are a creating a brand new container, or optimising an existing design, our glass packaging experts offer rapid evaluation of initial design concepts. Unlike other packaging consultancies, our research and development process is science-backed – this minimises any risk of project failure before products enter mass production.

Speak to an expert
Daniel Capon

Daniel Capon

Food & Drink Lead
Daniel is a specialist in glass analysis and focuses on XRF and SEM. He has worked in the glass industry since 1999 and oversees our glass properties and environmental departments. Read More
Chris Holcroft

Chris Holcroft

Energy & Environment Lead
Chris joined Glass Technology Services in 2005 and has expertise in environmental process improvement, resource efficiency, recycling and circular economy. He is also involved with the development, manufacture, and practical applications of novel glass products. Read More

Areas of expertise:

Catherine Robinson

Catherine Robinson

Technical Operations Lead
Catherine has been at Glass Technology Services since 2010, with 8 years spent in the role of Product Performance Manager where she focused on fractography. Her current role is Technical Operations Lead. Read More

What our clients think:

Enables CO-RO to design, develop and commercialise new bottles that are right first time…

Glass Technology Services support us on various levels: design development and assessment (including theoretical modelling and FEA), mechanical testing, technical audits, quality assessments, failure analysis and technical consultancy projects for the growth of our glass business. They are an extension to our business. In collaboration, we have built a process and methodology that enables CO-RO to design, develop and commercialise new bottles that are right first time, on a repeatable and consistent basis. Fundamentally, the process is evidence-based and containers are designed to specifications and standards with confidence and certainty. As long as we are in glass containers, we will always find ourselves collaborating with Glass Technology Services.

Alison Nyman, Director of Global Packaging, Co-Ro

We consider them to be an extension of our business…

We regularly receive excellent technical support from Glass Technology Services and consider them to be an extension of our business. The ongoing relationship we have established has been very valuable to M&S.

Lee Harper, Product Development Technologist, M&S

Have a question or want to make an enquiry?

Book a free sustainable packaging consultation with one of our experts.

Speak to an expert

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